Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Transformation Nation

I woke up early this morning meaning 6:00am for most people that is probably not early but for me it is. I went to the Gym and workout!! Day 6 of getting up early and doing this. I know this is silly but we read in the paper yesterday Dr OZ 7 steps. He is titling it Dr Oz's transformation nation. In the paper it gave a lot of frightening statics about America and it's climbing obesity rate. Which I thought was astonishing because I thought we as a Nation have been getting better but I guess not. So he going to give a person a Millon dollars to transform their life. I am trying to do it. Not so much the million dollars but it sure is an awesome incentive to try to work up too. I don't want to be the one that lost weight because of a million dollars I want to lose weight because of a million reason. One biggest thing is I want to be young with my children. I was inspired today at the gym this morning by a lady that was probably between the age of 60-70 not sure but she was working out hard and I was like that is what I want to be when I get older I want to be that lady that has all the energy in the world to play with her grandkids and not have to be stuck to a wheel chair. I am young enough to change that now. So not even a million dollars will get me to be that. The only thing that will get me to be that is my own determination to succeed and damn it I am going to succeed. If I don't win the million dollars and I win the good health card to me that is a millon bucks. I want to live a long life. Unless of course God says otherwise. But I don't want to die because of my health I don't want to go down knowing that I died because she was fat and unhealthy. Here is too this journey that I am finally going to take back!! :) Thanks Desiree' May

PS Encouragement is always great thank you all!! :)

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