Wow can I just say that I feel like I've been in an earth quake! I guess I have never been in a really earthquake so I can't truly say this but I can say my life has been shaken up a bit. Let's begin the day of November 10th... I just started on Weight watcher a couple of days prior to this and very consistent with working out 7 weeks to be exact. We got the horrible news that Cooper was fired from work this was shockingly surprising to the both of us, Cooper was so shocked. They had to let him go due to funds in the company I guess that lack their of. Well you know what is sad is when Cooper delivered the news all I could think of is in "my head" "What about weight watchers?" Isn't this disgusting!! Anyhow then I step back into reality and was like what the heck! What are we going to do? We were loving are family of friends in Boise. We really were beginning to feel like Boise could be a possible home for us. We met so many amazing people! People that literally would do anything for you in a second! It seemed like we had finally found ourselves where we could maybe be for awhile. Cooper and I both knew though that Boise would never be a settling down place, due to that is career of choice was very limited in the whole state of Idaho. This job literally the only job in his field in the whole state of Idaho. So that being said we knew right away that we must move back to Montana and just start figuring out life. We knew about a month prior to him being notified of getting fired that he decided to go back to Gradschool so we knew that we would be going back to MT sometime in the summer but not now, we did not have this planned to move.
So we had to do what we had to do,,, We sold almost everything we owned! (Almost) Can I just say when we moved to Boise we had a 20ft, plus a truck with another trailer on it and another car full of materialistic crap that we did not want to let go of. Let's just say the move back to MT we only, only had a 14ft moving truck and that is it. This may have been one of the hardest things but most wonderful thing that happened to us. All the materialistic crap in my life that I thought was so important was not really that important anymore. We lost everything but not really! Our faith has grown so much in the last 5 Months and I think the Lord was truly preparing me for this, because I kept telling myself Wow if I could just get rid of this.
Your probably asking what does this have to do with my weight loss journey! A whole lot actually. Currently right now I am still doing weight watchers and am very successful so far I've lost 10lbs in 6 weeks on top of what I already lost before starting WW. The thing is now it seems a lot harder to be successful but I am not going to let this temporary earthquake shake me up! The hardest challenge for me is right now we live in a very very small cabin in the middle of nowhere and it's freezing outside. Quite literally 10 degrees or lower some days. So how does one exercise consistently and hard. Well let's just say I haven't accomplished this yet. we have been going on several walks so that is good! Also the closest weight watchers meeting is an hour away. I have been very committed to this. So during this period of waiting out life, I can only focus on my eating habits so I take this has a blessing! :) Working out is easy for me, it has never been really that easy for me on the whole eating part of it all to stay healthy!
So if your reading this there are some prayer request we have
1. We are able to really seek Jesus in this time of waiting and take advantage of this
2. Cooper get's into grad=school. He will find out in March (Which he's confident he will) but you just never know
3. Cooper is able to find a temporary job until then.
4. Cooper's Mom and inherited father will see our faith grow stronger through this hard time and that she will seek the Lord herself.
5. That the Lord continue to provide for us and give us a clear direction.
Our Praises
1. We have this time to really just give to the Lord
2. Coopers Mom has this little cabin we are able to wait on life in until we figure out what we need to do... Rent free and utilities
3. Our lil guy T is healthy and growing like he should
4. Cooper and I are closer than we have ever been. I guess quite literally! He is my Rock!
5. We have been able to sit and pray for many people in our lives.
6. We have had some brief but great conversations with his Mom
7. Mother in law is bonding with her grandson
8. We are loved and have been blessed by so many friends and family in our lives and they are our Rock in prayer! Thank YOU!!
9. I am still losing weight!! :)
10. Loving my journey right now actually! :)