Ok wow I am not impressed of my blogging abilities. You want to know why I haven't been blogging because I really truly haven't been doing much to keep off the weight. I am now more confident about some things. I have a friend that is holding me accountable to my working out. If I could just have a very loud obnoxious beeper that would go off in my head every time I picked something bad up to eat... I think it would make the journey a lot easier.
Yesterday I was inspired by a couple of friends who I was driving with back from Idaho to Montana. I was mostly listening to the conversation and what came up was how we all feel horrible how we eat, how we always feel much better when we are active and eating healthy and how much work it takes to stay that way!! If life could be the other way around and we could be happy with just sitting on the couch eating a bag of chips and our calorie burning exercise would be our mouths going up and down from eating the bag of chips and we just burned 182 calories wouldn't life be so much easier? Well of course but what I have realized on the journey is that life is work. Life is hard. If we work hard then we are so much happier in the end results.
Another thing that I thought was very inspiring was hearing the conversation laid down as " I don't want to be in shape or look great because of society I want to be in shape because I want to do my ministry well, and if I'm not in shape that I will not be able to do my ministry in excellence." I want to strive for excellence in this area. So I'm getting off the couch and running a 5K June 6th. I am in the process of training now for it. I want to be healthy and active for Me!!
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